Ash Wednesday
This has already been quite a year for me. My father passed away on December 21, 2012 and it has really changed my life in many ways. I miss him terribly and am sad for myself because he is no longer around for me to talk with. But I was with him and received amazing blessings and insights into my spiritual life that I am sure that I will share over the next 46 days! But let's get started on Lent....
I went to church this morning for Ash Wednesday and it was lovely. I especially loved that we had communion! The minister asked the congregation what we were planning to give up for Lent and I heard the usual things like chocolate or beer or overeating. But I am thinking in another direction. I don't want to give up, I want to give back this Lent.
So here is my plan:
- I will volunteer more. There is nothing better than helping those who need assistance so I will be looking for opportunities to do just that.
- I will perform random acts of kindness. I have flirted with this in the past and it always is worth it when people respond to an unexpected boost in their day!
- I will contact people in hopes of uplifting their spirits. The contact can be through phone calls, text messages, e-mails and snail mail.
What about today? Well, after church I had to go to the store in search of a birthday gift for my grand-niece. As usual, I ended up with a basket full of other stuff I also needed! There were only a few checkouts open and the lines looked full so I just chose one and waited. I was watching this man go from line to line. He looked frustrated and rushed and needed to get on with his day. He settled on the same line as me. In fact, he was right behind me. I emptied my cart onto the checkout stand and I could tell he was looking at how much stuff I had. I turned to him with a smile and said "Would you like to go before me? You only have a few items and I don't mind." He was so happy! And the best part is that while we were waiting, he asked me what the mark was on my forehead. So we got to talk a bit about Ash Wednesday!
As it says in Ephesians 4:32, kind to one another....
What a wonderful story you shared about the supermarket. Keep up those random acts of kindness!! :)