Friday, February 15, 2013

Pray without ceasing...

Pray without ceasing...  I finally get it!

 1 Thessalonians 5:17  (you should include 16 & 18 too!)

Today was a busy day for me and I kept trying to find time to do something special for someone and I just wasn't getting there.  FRUSTRATING!  Then it hit me...

I started my day off with my morning bible study and it was a good one!  Through reflection and conversation with God, I realized that we need to be living examples of God's Word.  I do try my best to do this but there is definitely room for improvement!  I have to shake my head, though, when reading the bible (this is the first time I have really read with analysis!) I am always amazed at the people who try to convince God that they are following his requests while they are not!  The reason I shake my head is that they are telling this to God - don't they realize that He already knows what they have done?  Definitely a head shake moment, right?

Next I was off to water aerobics at the health club.  On the way, I had the chance to talk with my mom.  She sounded really good today!  It was so great to hear the smile in her voice and I thanked God for that!  I hated to hang up but Mom had a busy day planned and I needed to get in to class.  I look forward to this class because I always feel great afterwards, great that I actually got up and moved around for an hour!  We had a new classmate today and she was very outgoing or talkative if you prefer.  I thanked God for her gift as it made the class go by faster and her stories were pretty interesting.

I came home and....  wait, I could go on forever talking about dropping things off at the post office and lunch with my husband and walking the dog and doing laundry and washing the dishes and cooking supper but let's get to the meat of the matter.  Through my very hectic day I realized that I spent most of the time conversing with God about my joyful moments, my prayerful moments, and my thankful moments!  

"Pray without ceasing" is a bible passage that I have heard many times and, I have to admit, it scares me.  I always think about it but then silently dismiss it because I just don't have that much time!  That passage sounds like a real time commitment, if you know what I mean.  However, 1Thessolonians 5:16-18 says "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances..."  Today when I thought about it I realized that it so described my day.  So I do get it!  It means to spend your day in communion with God!  I can't think of a better companion!  And it doesn't take a lot of extra effort!

Thank you God for spending your time with me today and every day!  

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