Jeremiah 29:11
I read this passage from Jeremiah this morning and it spoke to me in so many ways! But mostly it reminded me that God truly knows what is happening and that I need to put my faith and trust in Him. I need to let God lead me through the chaos that is sometimes my life. This means I have to give up trying to control everything (and everybody!) and, I have to admit, this is a scary thing to me.
My first step was to realize that I had to commit to my faith and trust in God. My own father helped me with this when we had a conversation about his terminal illness and how we knew that our only course of action was to put our faith and trust in God and that God would see us through. On my way home the next day, I had a conversation with God. I told him that I had to give up trying to control this situation (and others) and put it in His hands. And I was sincere about it! From that point on, my prayers changed from "why are You doing this to me/us?" to "be with me/us, Lord, as I go through today". I have to admit, I feel an incredible peace from trusting in God and I have received so many blessings from that decision.

I still make my own decisions about things going on in my life but now I am not making them alone. I pray before I decide and I take the time to look at all sides, not just my own agenda. I am finding that my choices are more well-rounded. Now do I slip into my old ways, you bet! But I am able to realize that faster and adjust more easily - in other words, God taps on my shoulder and reminds me that there might be a better choice to make! I appreciate His help!
Even Socrates knew that "Father knows best"! So we are in good company! My suggestion to you is to give it a try... Put your trust in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and experience how uplifting and peaceful and rewarding that will be! Shalom!
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