Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and jump right in! About half the time I am glad I did and the other half I am asking myself "what was I thinking?" It is this doubting experience that causes me to usually rethink my impending impulsiveness!

But, remember the passage in Mark when Jesus compared faith in God with moving a mountain (when you think about it, moving a mountain was somehow an appropriate metaphor for this situation...); Mark 11:23-24 says "...if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you." So I decided to give yoga a try!
I was nervous in my tight-fitting pants and shirt. I wore a big zippered sweatshirt to walk through the fitness club and into class. My friend was already there with an encouraging smile and a yoga mat for me which she placed next to hers. So far, so good. Then class started. And guess what? It was great! It was hard, that's for sure. But the atmosphere and music were relaxing, the leader was gracious and kind, and I could actually do more than I originally expected! ( also I thought I looked better than I expected in the mirror!) It was quite a workout - I could feel my heart rate beating quickly and I worked up quite a sweat but it felt good. Being a newbie, I couldn't do all the poses but I was able to modify and keep going.
At the end, we slowed down and finished by laying quietly, meditatively on the mat. Then we were finished and I realized "I did it!" As I went to stand up, I could almost see Jesus reaching out his hand to help me and saying "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:31
Needless to say, I felt like I had accomplished something! Will I do yoga again, you bet! I am also going to get my mother to try it. I think the stretching will be good for both of us! Please note, however, that I am sitting here this morning contemplating taking an Aleve because my muscles, all of them, are a bit sore!
I encourage you to try something new! Have a great day as I leave you with this thought:
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