Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sweet, sweet music!

I am not a great singer, I don't have a lot of musicality but I do love to sing - or at the very least hum!  I sing (or hum) in the shower, when I am doing housework, while walking, shopping, or going to sleep.  I sing when I am happy or when I feel sad or when I am deep in thought.  I sing to soothe others and to soothe myself.  I sing old songs that my mother taught me, songs from my teenage years, church songs and songs I make up.  I am not embarrassed to sing in front of others but, mostly, I sing to myself.   I guess I am the savage beast I am soothing!

I sang to my children when they were babies.  I had a repertoire of songs and I always sang them in the same order (probably the first sign that I might possibly have OCD issues...)  I always started with "You Are My Sunshine"  followed by a rendition by Nat King Cole that begins " L is for the way you look at me..."  (Please note;  I am humming right now!)  How about my next song "If you'll be m-i-n-e mine..."?  I love that one!  When my mom sang it to us, she always ended it "meat on the table, hot dog!  ...and fish on Friday!"  Next I would sing "K-k-k-Katie, beautiful Katie... (and now I have a grand niece named Katie and I love singing this to her!)  Then we went to "the seashore, by the beautiful sea" and finished with "I've been working on the railroad..."

I don't know about you, but I am so happy right now thinking about it!  In the last few days of my dad's life, I would sing this same repertoire to him.  Both he and I found it calming!  And I added my own rendition of The Lord's Prayer (since I couldn't remember the tune from church) at the end.  I don't think Dad minded....

Music is part of life.  We use music to express so many of our emotions - good, bad and reflective.  I thank God for all the musically gifted individuals who bring us so much variety - it is so easy to find a song to fit every mood and every occasion!

And singing, no matter what you think about your own voice, is a perfect way to praise God!  Just look at Psalms 100:1-2 for corroboration:  "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing."

So go on, sing or hum your way through today!  Enjoy!!

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